Monday, October 16, 2006

Tennessee Rock Trail

This is a photo of Tennessee Rock Trail. The trail itself is a 2.2 mile loop that runs along Black Rock Mountain, crosses the summit and eventually ends back up where you began. According to the park brochures, the average travel time is about 1 1/2 hours.

The trail starts out at an elevation of about 3,250 feet and quickly rises to close to 3,400 before dropping back down to 3,250. However, the second half of the trail is almost all uphill at a pretty steep grade and can be strenuous. The trail quickly rises from 3,250 feet up to the summit, which is more than 3,600 feet. It will definitely give your leg muscles a good workout.

I like this picture, but it is a little blurred. This was taken rather early in the morning and the weather was chilly, so I was probably shivering a little bit. In retrospect, I really should have used the tripod...but it gives you some sense of the trail.

Tv: 0.3
Av: 8.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 18.0mm
WB: Shade Posted by Picasa

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