Monday, October 16, 2006

Ada-hi Falls VI

The next few photographs are from a small waterfall in the park named Ad-hi Falls.

As you can see, it doesn't quite have the amount of water flowing over it as Minnehaha Falls or any of the waterfalls in Tallulah Gorge. However, it was an interesting rock formation and I imagine that it can be very pretty when there is more water flowing over it.

I really wish I had a wide angle lens to capture the falls a little better. It wasn't that tall, but it was rather wide. I did the best I could with what I had and tried to focus in on a few close-up shots with a long shutter speed to take as much advantage of what little water there was flowing over it.

Tv: 4.0
Av: 20.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 18.0mm
WB: Shade Posted by Picasa

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