Thursday, June 22, 2006


This is my friend's dog I just happened to catch in a brief moment she wasn't trying to scratch, bite or bark at me.

Tv: 1/60
Av: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 21.0 mm Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 12, 2006

Water Tower - Flomaton, AL

Flomaton is the subject of a joke between a friend and I based on an experience we had driving through it last year on our way to Pensacola. Flomaton is now a town of legend. It is also a small town in south Alabama and it has a water tower.

I took this picture as a joke, but I actually really like how it turned out!

Tv: 1/500
Av: 8.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 55.0 mm Posted by Picasa

Group pic

I'm not very good with photographs of people or groups of people, but for some reason, I thought this one turned out rather well. The Tv was set to one second, so it kind of caught some motion...but I think that's why I like the picture.

Tv: 1.0
Av: 3.5
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm Posted by Picasa

Five Flags II

This is another picture of the five flags. It's a little dark due to the Tv, but I like it because of the sun setting behind the building.

Tv: 1/250
Av: 4.5
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 34.0 mm Posted by Picasa

Five Flags

Pensacola has been under the flag of five different countries in its history. These are the flags representing each country.

If I'm not mistaken, the countries are the US, the CSA, England, France and Spain.

I like this photo. I have another just like it with the Tv set a little higher with makes it darker. I chose to put this one on the blog, though.

Tv: 1/125
Av: 4.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 30.0 mm Posted by Picasa

Pensacola building

This one was taken kind of like the one of the church below - without much forethought.

We were walking down the street and I had my camera with me and snapped this shot of a building in downtown Pensacola.

Tv: 1/60
Av: 3.5
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm Posted by Picasa


Old church in Pensacola, FL.

I wish I had more information about this church, but it was late at night and was taken very quickly without much setup at all. I was in the passenger seat of a car, we stopped, I hopped out, looked up and snapped the picture.

Tv: 1/60
Av: 3.5
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 18.0 mm Posted by Picasa